AIR-CELL Glareshield®

by AIR-CELL Building Insulation

The Fibre-free Breakthrough In Insulation Material

Air-Cell Glareshield® is an energy efficient medium that provides a fibre-free alternative to conventional bulk insulation. Offering advanced thermal performance in a fibre-free, non-allergenic and non-itchy insulation medium, AIR-CELL Insulation is Australia’s leading thermo-reflective insulation brand with more than 10 years proven product performance.

Manufactured without the use of toxic chemicals and adhesives such as formaldehyde, Air-Cell ensures a comfortable home without the risk of airborne fibres and without compromising indoor air quality. The Air-Cell product delivers the high performance expected from a technologically advanced product. Reflective air spaces combine with the conductional resistance of an encapsulated air-cell structure for a highly functional insulation medium.

Ultra-thin at only 7mm, Air-Cell is designed to replace fibre-based batts, blanket and sarking all in one application. And because it’s fibre-free, there are no associated occupational health and safety risks to the installer or building occupier, meaning no protective gear is required when handling the material.

In addition, Air-Cell was the first insulation manufacturer in Australia to obtain CodeMark accreditation to AS/NZS 4859.1, a standard that is compulsory for all insulation products under the Building Code of Australia.

Air-Cell Managing Director, Mr. Scott Gibson says, “We have always felt that it is critical to be able to give homeowners the peace of mind that comes with third-party, independent certification and displaying the CodeMark symbol of approval on our products reaffirms our commitment to product quality and transparency."

For peace of mind, look for the CodeMark logo and make sure you demand proof of conformance that the insulation you are using complies with AS/NZS 4859.1.

Flexible and versatile, Air-Cell Glareshield® delivers high thermal efficiency in all wall, roof, ceiling and sub-floor applications, where it will lower building, heating and cooling costs by up to 50 per cent and help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. 

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