Flooring & Decking

by Bretts Timber & Hardware

Brett’s prides itself on sourcing only the finest timbers for our extensive flooring and decking ranges. From Australian soft and hardwoods to exotic imported timbers from all over the planet, Brett’s has the right timber for any application.

A Brett’s floor is produced from managed, renewable forests before being sawn and kiln dried. Whether it be a city apartment, traditional Queenslander or busy office, Brett’s flooring will the last the test of time in both appearance and structural integrity.

Nothing beats the beauty and durability of a solid timber floor. Australian forests yield some of the hardest & most durable timbers in the world and Bretts solid flooring is primarily sourced from Western Queensland and Northern New South Wales forests.

The Picasso Engineered Timber floors (sometimes known as ‘floating’ flooring) are perfect for unit applications or wherever the floor needs to be fixed directly to a cement floor. Picasso flooring is available in several distinctly different species and is sold as a pre-finished product that is ready to be installed.

Brett’s also offers an extensive range of laminate flooring which is great for high wear areas or where a more traditional flooring option doesn’t suit.

The majority of hardwood decking sold in Australia today is imported rain forest timber from South East Asia and we think that is wrong. There are plenty of native species harvested from AFS certified forests here in Queensland that are world class in terms of durability and performance. The species you see here are all local species from the East Coast of Australia and are all kiln dried and machined here in Australia for Australian conditions.

Visit the Brett’s deck – door – floor showroom at Windsor today and walk the walk. Test the different flooring alternatives for yourself and check out the decking options with 16 timber species shown in their finished states.

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